
Common Signs You Have Sleep Apnea

Categories Sleep

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when a person’s airway becomes blocked during sleep, causing them to stop breathing for short periods. This lack of oxygen can seriously affect both physical and mental health. So if you’re experiencing insomnia, fatigue, depression, anxiety, hypertension, headaches, or other … Continue reading “Common Signs You Have Sleep Apnea”

What Is Turbinate Hypertrophy and How is it Treated?

Categories Nose and Sinus

If you’re reading this, chances are you, or someone you know, is dealing with Turbinate hypertrophy and are looking for answers. Also known as enlarged turbinates, it is a common condition affecting nasal passages. It occurs when the turbinates (small, finger-like structures inside the nose) become swollen and enlarged, obstructing airflow and causing various symptoms … Continue reading “What Is Turbinate Hypertrophy and How is it Treated?”

Why Does My Child Snore?

Categories Sleep

Continuing our video series, Dr. Jerome Hester explains “Why does my child snore?” Snoring in an adult can be a humorous or societal issue. However, snoring in a young child actually more commonly is a significant medical issue. Snoring occurs when there’s obstruction of the airway, and this leads to narrowing of the airway and … Continue reading “Why Does My Child Snore?”

Pressure-Equalizing Tubes In Repetitive Middle Ear Infections

Categories Ear and Hearing

Continuing our video series, Dr. Jerome Hester explains “Pressure-Equalizing Tubes In Repetitive Middle Ear Infections.” Children have increased number of middle ear infections for a variety of reasons. The main reason is that the eustachian tube, which is the small tube that goes from behind the nose to behind the eardrum and ventilates that area, … Continue reading “Pressure-Equalizing Tubes In Repetitive Middle Ear Infections”