
Symptoms and Complications Associated with Nasal Fractures

Categories Nose and Sinus

Continuing our video series, Dr. Jerome Hester explains “Symptoms and Complications Associated with Nasal Fractures.” The nasal bones are the most commonly broken bones in the body. It actually does not take a significant amount of force to break these bones, and so routine activities, even including many sports, or even having an unfortunate accident … Continue reading “Symptoms and Complications Associated with Nasal Fractures”

Cause of Chronic Sinusitis

Categories Nose and Sinus

Continuing our video series, Dr. Jerome Hester explains “Causes of Chronic Sinusitis”. There are numerous causes for chronic sinusitis. Basically, all of us have four sets of sinuses located in the head. These sinuses are not actually in the nose, but rather drain into the nose through small passages. We’re unclear what the real cause … Continue reading “Cause of Chronic Sinusitis”

How Sleep Apnea Works

Categories Sleep

Continuing our video series, Dr. Jerome Hester explains “How sleep apnea works”. The following is transcript of the video for your convenience: It is normal for humans as they go through the night to dive into periods of deep sleep. During these periods of deep sleep it is normal for the body to go into … Continue reading “How Sleep Apnea Works”

Is Sinus Surgery Painful?

Categories Throat and Neck

Continuing our video series, Dr. Jerome Hester answers “Is sinus surgery painful?”. The following is transcript of the video for your convenience: If an individual has recurrent sinus infections or a sinus infection that just doesn’t go away, surgery is one option for treatment. If you look at the goal of sinus surgery it is … Continue reading “Is Sinus Surgery Painful?”